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Academic Overview
NCA's challenging, sequenced curriculum pursues a "back to basics" approach that is bolstered with a variety of extras to provide the students with a well rounded and accelerated educational experience. Our students' academic achievement is assessed annually through nationally-standardized achievement testing programs. Each classroom also has a strong emphasis on character and respect through the teaching of our "Essential 23."
The elementary curriculum strongly emphasizes the basic skills of reading and math accompanied by studies in English, spelling, science, history, handwriting, and health. Phonics-based reading instruction is given from pre-school through grade 3. Hands-on learning projects and practice drills are combined to enhance math instruction. Students are also taught art, music, physical education, Bible, Spanish, and library skills.
Middle School
During the transition years of middle school, students experience classes and activities designed to solidify and increase basic academic skills, develop critical thinking skills, grow spiritually, and serve others. Students enjoy learning in an atmosphere that fosters academic growth, promotes teamwork, encourages community service, and builds school spirit.
High School
Students in grades 9 through 12 follow a strong academic program that prepares them to receive a high school diploma that meets and exceeds the NC state graduation requirements and prepares them for college admission. NCA students score above the national average in standardized tests and college entrance exams. Due to their achievement, our students are frequently exempted from freshmen level college courses. Computer training is integrated with the curriculum giving graduates a working knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, internet research, multi-media presentations, and more.
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